
10114 - Loansome Car Buyer - Java

 import java.io.*;  
 import java.util.StringTokenizer;  
  * Your task is to write a program that calculates the first time,   
  * measured in months, that a car buyer owes less money than a   
  * car is worth. For this problem, depreciation is specified as   
  * a percentage of the previous month's value.  
 public class loan {  
      //static String inputFilePath = "loan.in";  
      //static String outputFilePath = "loan.out";  
      public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {  
           //InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(inputFilePath));  
           //OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFilePath));  
           int loanDuration;  
           double downPayment;  
           double loanAmount;  
           double carValue;  
           int noOfDepr;  
           double monthlyPayment;  
           while((loanDuration = Reader.nextInt()) > 0) {  
                //System.out.println("New test case!");  
                downPayment = Reader.nextDouble();  
                loanAmount = Reader.nextDouble();  
                noOfDepr = Reader.nextInt();  
                monthlyPayment = loanAmount/loanDuration;  
                carValue = downPayment + loanAmount;  
                //System.out.println("Initial car value: " + carValue);  
                int readedDepr = 0;  
                int lastReadedDeprMonth = -1;  
                double lastReadedDeprValue = 0;  
                double monthDeprPercentage = 0;  
                int currentDepr = 0;  
                for(int currentMonth = 0; ; currentMonth++) {  
                     if(readedDepr < noOfDepr && lastReadedDeprMonth < currentMonth) {  
                          lastReadedDeprValue = monthDeprPercentage;  
                          currentDepr = Reader.nextInt();  
                          monthDeprPercentage = Reader.nextDouble();  
                          lastReadedDeprMonth = currentDepr;  
                          //System.out.println("DEBUG: readedDepr: " + readedDepr + " in month: " + currentMonth);  
                     if(currentDepr > currentMonth) {  
                          carValue -= carValue * lastReadedDeprValue;  
                     } else {  
                          carValue -= carValue * monthDeprPercentage;  
                     //System.out.println("Doing work. month: " + currentMonth + " carVal: " + carValue + "loan:" + loanAmount);  
                     if(carValue > loanAmount) {  
                          //System.out.println("Month: " + currentMonth);  
                          if(currentMonth == 1) {  
                               //outputStream.write((currentMonth + " month\n").getBytes());  
                               System.out.println(currentMonth + " month");  
                          } else {  
                               //outputStream.write((currentMonth + " months\n").getBytes());  
                               System.out.println(currentMonth + " months");  
                          //System.out.println("DEBUG: readedDepr: " + readedDepr + " deprs: " + noOfDepr);  
                          while(readedDepr < noOfDepr) {  
                               currentDepr = Reader.nextInt();  
                               monthDeprPercentage = Reader.nextDouble();  
                               //System.out.println("DEBUG: SKIPPED readedDepr: " + readedDepr + " deprs: " + noOfDepr);  
                     loanAmount -= monthlyPayment;  
 /* Class for buffered reading int and double values */  
 /* http://www.cpe.ku.ac.th/~jim/java-io.html */  
 class Reader {  
   static BufferedReader reader;  
   static StringTokenizer tokenizer;  
   /** call this method to initialize reader for InputStream */  
   static void init(InputStream input) {  
     reader = new BufferedReader(  
            new InputStreamReader(input) );  
     tokenizer = new StringTokenizer("");  
   /** get next word */  
   static String next() throws IOException {  
     while ( ! tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() ) {  
       //TODO add check for eof if necessary  
       tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(  
           reader.readLine() );  
     return tokenizer.nextToken();  
   static int nextInt() throws IOException {  
     return Integer.parseInt( next() );  
   static double nextDouble() throws IOException {  
     return Double.parseDouble( next() );  

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